Bertrand Russell wrote in Why I Am Not a Christian, “there was
every kind of cruelty practiced upon all sorts of people in the name of
religion.” Philosopher Richard Rorty proclaimed religious belief “politically
dangerous” with atheism as the only practical foundation for a “pluralistic,
democratic society.”
Dinesh D’Souza in What’s So Great About Christianity, contrasts
the Inquisition with the Soviet Gulag, asking why we still hear about the
Inquisition 500 years later, while
merely 20 years after the collapse of godless Communism we no longer hear about
the Gulag?
D’Souza then presents the
numbers. Stalinist Russia: 20 million killed as a result of mass slayings,
forced labor camps, show trials followed by firing squads, and population
relocation. Adding to the Russian toll
are the atheist Soviet dictators: Lenin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev.
Mao Zedong’s Communist China: Seventy
million deaths.
Hitler: Ten million murdered,
with six million Jews among them.
Then there are the less
infamous but no less brutal atheist tyrants like Kim Jong Il of North Korea, Enver
Hoxha of Albania, Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, and Pol Pot of Cambodia.
We will finish this thought
next time. In Christ…