
Sunday, February 10, 2019

That a human being’s life begins at conception isn’t religious dogma. It’s scientific fact.

Three facts about tell us human life begins at conception: The unborn child:
1.   Takes in nutrients and grows via cellular reproduction.
2.   Is the offspring of human parents and has human DNA.
3.   Is a human organism like you or me whereas sperm, egg, and body cells are merely human tissue and do not have any rights.
You, me, infants, and the unborn are all human organisms because we all have an intrinsic capacity to develop as organisms - a capacity that mere body cells don’t have.

In Christ, Ken.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Relativism Rebuttals II

Relativism is defined as any doctrine which denies the existence of absolute values.  Following are some more self-refuting relativist notions and how you might respond:

 "It’s arrogant to say your religion is true."
  •      If this belief of yours is true, aren’t you being arrogant to say so?

      "Your being judgmental and bigoted when you say that what someone is doing is wrong."
  •      If true, why are you telling me what I’m doing is wrong?

      “You’re being intolerant for not accepting someone’s belief as equally true.
  •      Why are you intolerant of my belief that I don’t have to accept someone’s belief as equally true?

 In Christ, Ken.

[Taken from a presentation by Karlo Broussard]