You may be familiar with the incident involving a “rich
young man” who addressed Jesus as “Good teacher” and Jesus asks him “Why do you
call me good?”
In the same way we might respond with a question, “Why do
you think of Jesus as wise? Or even possibly a prophet? “ After listening to their
answer we could continue with, “I certainly agree with you there. And yet, if
you agree that Jesus was wise, what do you think of his claims to be equal with
God as when he said, “The Father and I are one?”
Listen closely as they reply. When they finish, we might be able to follow
up with, “C. S. Lewis seems to me to have gotten it right when he said that if
Jesus was merely a man claiming to be the Son of God, he must be a lunatic and
certainly not a great moral teacher. Lewis goes on to say, “You can call him a
fool or call him Lord and God. But it appears he did not leave us the choice of
seeing him as [merely] a great human teacher.”
Christianity also has a unique interpretation of salvation.
There is a profound and fundamental difference between the ways that other religions
think of salvation and the way described in the Gospel of Jesus.
More on this next time, In Christ…
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