After a recent FYCV presentation,
a participant commented, “I don’t have the patience to evangelize. These people just do not get it and it is
totally frustrating to talk with them about faith and religion.”
“There are people that your
personality resonates with, that mine does not.
And those are especially the people that the Holy Spirit wants your help
in reaching. They are also the ones that
the enemy does not want you talking to about spiritual matters. When you are overcome with a sense of frustration
and impatience, find some time to reflect on those feelings, thank Jesus for
making you aware of them, and ask him to use his grace to help you overcome
them so that you can be more effective at serving him.”
While unlikely that this will result in an immediate change,
nonetheless, when Jesus promises “if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” (Jn 14:14) this is the kind of request he
will honor. He will help us to find our
Catholic voice.