
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Compliance? Or Surrender?

From a recent post by Matthew Kelly:
“I've done a lot of work over the past twenty years or so in addiction recovery centers... Very often these people are compliant. They do everything they need to do so that, at the end of the twenty-one days or the fourteen days or the thirty days, the judge will let them out. They're compliant, but they're unlikely to really deal with their addiction. Because in order to really deal with addiction, we have to go way beyond compliance to surrender.  The people who successfully recover from addiction, the people who successfully and sustainably deal with addiction in their lives… surrender.”
Matthew then suggests that, similarly, as Catholics, we can be compliant. Going to church on Sunday, giving generously, helping the poor, helping those in need, but it may be just compliance. Instead, he counsels, God is calling me to surrender; to discern what God is inviting me to do; to say “yes” to his invitation to go deeper in my relationship with him.
In Christ, Ken.

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