It has been said about evangelizing that, “You can’t share what you don’t have.” And with this being Pentecost Sunday (2019) as I write, this column will shift focus and consider the fundamentals of “Life in the Spirit.”

Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, in an introduction to a book on St. Faustina writes:
The secret for St. Faustina was constant prayer. We learn from her Diary that she brought everything to the Lord in prayer, then listened to Him and received all that He wanted to tell her. (Pray, Listen, Discern) In this way, St. Faustina was led day by day and even moment by moment into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, the source of her happiness. By example, she teaches us to do the same. Jesus tells us through St. Faustina that “one thing alone is necessary: that the sinnerset ajar the door of his heart, be it ever so little, to let in a ray of God’s merciful grace, and then God will do the rest” (Diary, 1507). (Emphasis added).
Next time we’ll unpack St. Faustina’s statement to better understand this “one thing” and how one can have what is supremely worth sharing - using our Catholic voice.
In Christ, Ken.
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