“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.” Words written by St. John Paul II in the opening lines of Fides et Ratio.
“Faith” means to “trust in” and alone it is insufficient. Adherents of Islam have faith. So do Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. And many today have faith in scientism trusting science as the only source of truth. Thus, it is clear that having faith, while necessary, is not sufficient for finding truth. One can put their trust in that which is not trustworthy. That said, it may well be that one can, just happen to put their faith in that which is trustworthy. But when it comes to our ultimate destiny it warrants having an assurance that our “faith” is well placed.

One might say: The Catholic Church is found on the corner of Faith and Reason.
In Christ, Ken.
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