I’m going to suggest that such abusive behavior, use of lies and deception (at least be honest Ms. Valenti, the pro-choice side is in no way innocent here) is the result of wanting too much for “your team” to win. It does not arise from a desire that “the truth will out.” Consequently, I disagree with those on my team who want to cry “fake news” or personally disparage pro-choice activist’s use of Ms. McCorvey. In the final analysis it does not matter what position any one or several persons espouse on this matter as they “cross the finish line.” In fact, even popular opinion is not what matters. What matters is what is the unborn? If it is not a human being, then abortion is of no concern. If it is – as science tells us – a human being from the moment of conception, then I am obligated to lobby that the right to life, which inherently belongs to human beings, be returned to those who have had it taken away. As implied in your article, Ms. McCorvey – as a human being – deserved far better treatment than being seen merely as a “trophy,” so to do the unborn in untold numbers deserve far better treatment than to be seen merely as a non-entity to be destroyed at whim. Both sides of this issue would do well to repent of and forgo the ethical infractions your article brings to the fore and engage in discussion of the core issue. Simply saying “Yay, for our side!” and calling each other “Liar!” is unlikely to make any meaningful contribution of any sort.
In Christ, Ken.