
Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Right to Life

To reach one who subscribes to being “pro-choice,” one must start from where they are and not from where we may be.  That is, it will be of no use to talk of God’s law, or Church teaching in the likely case that they do not have regard for either. In this situation, experience has taught me (having been inspired by Trent Horn of Catholic Answers) to guide a discussion of the matter away from abortion per se as in: “I am not focused on outlawing abortion.  Rather I am lobbying for returning the right-to-life to the unborn who had this right stripped from them.”

This keeps the discussion secular which keeps the other from immediately dismissing you as trying to” impose your religion” on others. It also moves the discussion to the central question: what is the unborn? As Trent puts it: “If pro-choice people are right and an abortion is harmless surgery, then restrictions on abortion would hurt women and make them second-class citizens. If pro-life people are right and abortion kills a valuable human being, then keeping abortion legal would be the continuation of a tremendous evil that has taken tens of millions of innocent lives.” [Trent Horn, “20 Answers Abortion.”]
In Christ, Ken.

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